- Yukha
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We all know that the concept of organic products refers to natural organic products, free of dangerous substances, not harmful to the environment or to the final consumer’s health. But in reality, this is not exactly the case, because there is a lot of bureaucracy to obtain the certification of fertilizers that can be used in organic agriculture.
To officially consider a fertilizer as usable in organic agriculture, it must be
Officially registered with an accredited certification company (type ECOCERT, SOHISCERT, INTERECO,... ) and must comply with a list of substances and authorized manufacturing processes. Any substance present in the fertilizer or any manufacturing process that is not on this list will prohibit the obtaining of the certificate and the authorization of marketing as a product that can be used in organic agriculture.
However, in Spain, fertilizers classified as suitable for use in organic agriculture must comply with European regulations (UNE 142500:2017), by which the raw materials and authorized manufacturing processes are regulated and/or which manufacturers and their facilities must comply with. For all intents and purposes, we leave you the direct link to the regulation of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture. https://www.mapa.gob.es/es/alimentacion/temas/produccion-eco/une1425002017insumosfertilizantesenmiendasysustratosdecultivo_tcm30-452234.pdf
The use of these "organic" fertilizers contributes to take care of the environment and of the final consumer’s health. But it must also be said that there are many "organic" products that are not recognized as such because their ingredients, components or manufacturing processes have not been authorized for organic farming in accordance with European regulations.
For example, there are many "green" products that are not listed as products that can be used in organic agriculture and therefore cannot be claimed as such. This is mainly due to legal issues, which, as always, serve the interests of large chemical companies, which are favored at the expense of small, innovative companies that are much more aware of the needs for environmental and human health protection.
Here are some clear examples of natural formulations that should be "organic" but are not according to the texts:
- 1- Nettle brew: product with a good insecticide, acaricide and proven fungicide effects. Entirely natural product, respectful of the environment and human health.
- Neem oil: This oil too is 100% natural and is an excellent insecticide. Entirely natural product, respectful of the environment and human health.
- 3- Amino acids from pulse (not GMOs, genetically modified): although free of GMOs, the use of these amino acids in organic farming is not allowed because of doubts regarding the possible presence of GMOs, even if the manufacturer presents all the certificates proving that pulse used are all certified organic.
In the end, the interests of large companies in the agrochemical sector always prevail, because their economic weight is very important. They exert all the necessary pressure to protect their own interests to the detriment of the common interest. The latter is simple: it is a matter of each of us having easy access to all natural and ecological products without any restrictions. Our goal is to protect our health and the environment by minimizing the use of chemicals!
At YUKHA, we have been working in recent years on the development of new natural products suitable to produce pot cannabis. After this period of research, testing and a lot of bureaucracy, we are happy to inform you that in 2 months we will launch a new range of natural products, which you can access on our website. And it is also a great pride for us to inform you that in this new range of natural products, you will be able to count on some certified formulations that can be used in organic agriculture. Unfortunately, we have not been able to obtain them all, but we are still working hard to obtain new certificate.
The web translation of the original text ( French ) by Yukha may contain some errors and misunderstandings. Please excuse us.
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