In previous blogs we explained in depth what Microelements are and what they are for, and we promised that in the following blogs we would talk about them. The moment has arrived! Not all microelements ...
But what is cannabis or therapeutic marijuana? It is nothing more or less than Sativa cannabis from which phytocannabinoids dedicated to an entirely medical use are obtained. We quote THC and cannabidiol or CBD, cannabinoids ...
Let's start by telling what are the nutritional elements and what role do the microelements play in plant nutrition. The nutritional elements of plants are divided into 3 groups ...
Humic Acids are one of the 2 components of Humic Extracts. Humic Extracts are made up of 2 components: Humic Acids (which are the best known) and Fulvic Acids ...
The shipment of the C. Ayurveda Pack is completely discreet, safe and we put it in the best hands to arrive in perfect condition directly to your home, and throughout the world. For your...
The followers know it well. Cannabis is not all the same and does not provide the same effects whatever their uses: therapeutic, recreational, etc. One variety stands out from the others: Cannabis Sativa.
Amino acids are organic molecules that are made up of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O) and nitrogen (N), [methionine and cystine also contain sulfur (S)]. 20 amino acids have been identified as ...
Whatever the reasons for using cannabis, various regions of the world allow or prohibit it. Indeed, there are the “pros” and “cons” and opinions differ, both on health ...
Summary of the agronomic tests carried out with each of the products separately compared to the test with c. ayurveda complete pack. Variety used in all tests: amnesia, Yukha has obtained very ...
Rubia cordifolia, often called common madder or Indian madder, is a species of flowering plant in the coffee tree family, the Rubiaceae. Rubia cordifolia is a common plant in almost all regions of southern India ...
Man has always had a very special relationship with the world beyond. This is the case in everyday life and in the context of predictions on the growing season and meteorology. The same goes for treatment and healing ...
Therefore, the initial growth phase of Cannabis plants must also be cared for with care and dedication, offering plants everything they need so that their development is smooth, balanced and powerful ...