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Tribal nations looking to collaboration to realize cannabis business opportunities
American Indian communities are increasingly collaborating to get a piece of the explosive growth of the cannabis industry by offering products based on tribal medicine from their ancestral origins.
The partnerships are helping break down longstanding barriers to Indigenous entrepreneurship in the hemp and marijuana industries.
“When we all are doing this together, we all win,” said Chenae Bullock, managing director of New York’s Little Beach Harvest and the Shinnecock Nation cannabis division, which has joined with Tilt Holdings, a Massachusetts-based multistate cannabis operator, to establish a vertically integrated marijuana business on Shinnecock tribal lands.
Continue reading: https://hempindustrydaily.com/tribal-nations-looking-to-collaboration-to-realize-cannabis-business-opportunities
3 Reasons Why Big Tobacco Could Take Over Legal Cannabis Sooner Than You Think
There’s no doubt that Big Tobacco will have a seat at the table when it comes to the recreational cannabis market. But how much of the market share will Big Tobacco own?
The legalization of cannabis is probably more a matter of “when” than “if” at this point, and industries and consumers alike are more than ready for it. Among the many parties who would benefit from widespread legalization of recreational cannabis sale and use, not many more would stand to gain more than the major players within the Big Tobacco industry. There are numerous reasons why that’s the case. Here are just a few.
The Decreasing Acceptance of Smoking
It’s no secret that smoking isn’t as popular as it once was. In fact, some younger people may not even believe it if you told them that smoking used to be acceptable in places like elevators and airplanes. Research from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently reported that smoking in the U.S. decreased from 20.9% to 14% from 2005 to 2019. There is also no shortage of reasons for the nationwide decrease in smokers. From health problems like emphysema and heart disease, to the fact that smoking has been banned in most public places like bars and restaurants, it’s not surprising that smoking isn’t as popular as it once was among Americans.
Continue reading: https://thefreshtoast.com/cannabusiness/3-reasons-why-big-tobacco-could-take-over-legal-cannabis-sooner-than-you-think/
The Use of Cannabinoids for Insomnia in Daily Life: Naturalistic Study
Background: Insomnia is a prevalent condition that presents itself at both the symptom and diagnostic levels. Although insomnia is one of the main reasons individuals seek medicinal cannabis, little is known about the profile of cannabinoid use or the perceived benefit of the use of cannabinoids in daily life.
Objective: We conducted a retrospective study of medicinal cannabis users to investigate the use profile and perceived efficacy of cannabinoids for the management of insomnia.
Methods: Data were collected using the Strainprint app, which allows medicinal cannabis users to log conditions and symptoms, track cannabis use, and monitor symptom severity pre- and postcannabis use. Our analyses examined 991 medicinal cannabis users with insomnia across 24,189 tracked cannabis use sessions. Sessions were analyzed, and both descriptive statistics and linear mixed-effects modeling were completed to examine use patterns and perceived efficacy.
Continue reading: https://www.jmir.org/2021/10/e25730
A Survey of Breast Cancer Patients’ Use of Cannabis During Radiation Therapy
Cannabis use is rapidly expanding and cancer is a qualifying condition in all 33 states allowing medical cannabis. However, the patterns of cannabis use among breast cancer patients receiving radiation therapy is unknown. The goal of this study was to better understand how and why cannabis is used among breast cancer patients undergoing adjuvant and palliative radiation therapy.
Between 12/16/2019 and 1/19/2020, U.S.-based members of the Breastcancer.org Community (a nonprofit organization providing medical information and peer support) and Healthline, ≥ age 18 and diagnosed with breast cancer within 5 years, were invited to participate in a cannabis survey. After informed consent, anonymous data were collected and analyzed in aggregate. The study was led by Socanna (advancing the science of cannabis), conducted by Outcomes Insights, and supported by a grant from Ananda Health/Ecofibre.
Continue reading: https://www.redjournal.org/article/S0360-3016(21)01512-1/fulltext#relatedArticles
Two-spotted spider mites: How to identify and treat them in your marijuana grow
Face it, cannabis is an attractive plant for many insects, mites and other arthropods that like to feed on it.
One species of mite that commonly feeds on cannabis is the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae), which often is shortened to TSSM.
This pest is found worldwide and is very common on a wide range of crops.
Why are TSSM such a problem?
Two-spotted spider mites are everywhere.
Considered a cosmopolitan pest, TSSMs have been reported feeding on 3,877 different plant species.
This means they can be living right outside your facility or blow in on the wind from neighboring plant material.
More commonly, they are brought into a grow on young plant material such as clones.
An adult two-spotted spider mite with her eggs.
All it takes is one female. Unmated females can lay eggs that will hatch male offspring. Once the offspring are sexually mature, they can mate with their mother.
Once she is mated, she can produce female offspring, and the population just explodes from there.
This is why any new plants brought into a facility should be treated as if they already have two-spotted spider mites on them.
Continue reading on: https://mjbizdaily.com/how-to-identify-and-treat-two-spotted-spider-mites-in-your-cannabis-grow
Some people report an ultra-sensitivity to cannabis, along with symptoms that are similar to allergies. Is it possible to be allergic to marijuana?
There’s an important term for allergies called allergic sensitization. It refers to the complex exchange that occurs between the allergen and the person who’s developing the allergy according to the environment they’re in. The allergy develops due to the body’s reaction, triggered by the immune system when exposed to the allergen, in this case, marijuana.
RELATED: This Is What Happens When You’re Allergic To Marijuana
The degrees to which people react to the plant vary from case to case, sometimes occurring when they come in contact with the plant, ingest it orally, or smoke it. Asthma and other lung problems have also been reported as marijuana allergy symptoms.
While most of these side effects sound like standard allergies and not much to worry about, some people report much more serious symptoms, like diarrhea and vomiting when marijuana is ingested orally. For people with these types of sensibilities, having contact with marijuana in any shape is a bad idea, especially when mixed with foods like bananas, almonds, tomatoes, and other fruits, since compounds in the different elements can interact and result in anaphylaxis. This condition causes plenty of serious symptoms including shock and difficulty breathing.
Continue reading on: https://thefreshtoast.com/cannabis/marijuana-allergies-heres-what-you-should-know/
Does Cannabis Help With Recovery After Exercise?
Exercising regularly is a very important part of an overall health strategy at any age.
It is recommended that people get at least an average of 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week, or 75 minutes of intense exercise.
The benefits of exercising regularly are numerous, including increased energy, better overall mood, and better sleep (among many other things).
Most people that exercise experience some type of discomfort for a period following the exercise, especially after intense workouts.
‘The good pain,’ as it is sometimes referred to, is different from injury. It’s the process of the body’s muscles recovering from heavy use. Does cannabis help with that recovery process?
Cannabis, CBD, and Recovery Perceptions
More and more athletes and people that live active lifestyles are incorporating cannabis into their pre and post workout routines.
A team of academic researchers recently tried to better understand why people use cannabis in conjunction with working out by conducting a survey of athletes. Specifically, they sought to “examine timing of cannabis use relative to exercise, reasons for use, forms of consumption, and sources of information in active adults.”
Continue reading: https://cannatechtoday.com/does-cannabis-help-with-recovery-after-exercise
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