- Mila, R.
- News and advice on hydroponics culture indoors and outdoors!

What are flavonoids from plants? Explanations.
Flavonoids are phytonutrients produced by plants, technically called secondary polyphenolic metabolites. Flavonoids are found in all fruits and vegetables and are responsible for the bright, vibrant colors they have.
An important function of the flavonoids is to give color to the flowers and fruits, giving rise to yellow, blue or red colors. This coloration in the flowers makes pollinating animals attracted to them.
As is well known, Cannabis has a high content of flavonoids, some of which are exclusive to this plant. The flavonoids in Cannabis accumulate in greater concentration in the flowers, although they are also found in the leaves and stems. The exclusive flavonoids in Cannabis have their own name CANNAFLAVINS.
Of the flavonoids present in Cannabis, we can highlight the following:
- Cannaflavins A, B and C: Cannabis Exclusives. They have proven anti-inflammatory effects in the laboratory.
- Vitexin and Isovitexin: Found in higher concentrations in young seedlings. They have therapeutic applications in gout disease, through the inhibition of thyroid peroxidase.
- Apigenia: With promising studies in animals that show hopeful effects for human medicine. This flavonoid has been studied in rodents, showing antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. A very interesting effect also studied in rodents, is the suppression of tumor growth.
- Kaempferol: Studies show possible antidepressant effects, in addition it is also attributed with prevention effects of coronary or cancer diseases, along with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
- Quercetin: "Secret" ingredient of the Superfoods. Provides antimutagenic, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
- Orientine and Luteolin: Present in Cannabis and tea plants. It has anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and anti-cancer properties. It is also an "exterminator" of free radicals.
- Β-sitosterol: It is a plant sterol that was studied by the Food and Drug Administration of the USA that classifies foods containing this flavonoid as reducing the risk of coronary diseases, because the levels of cholesterol in the blood are reduced with the ingestion of Β-sitosterol. Β-sitosterol is currently widely used in medicine.
As described in the previous lines, the flavonoids present in Cannabis have various beneficial effects, but have not been widely researched in this plant due to the current legal situation. However, studies of these flavonoids in fruits and vegetables have been widely developed.
Can the Flavonoid content of Cannabis plants be improved and increased?
The answer is YES! In the YUKHA product range, we have a product designed specifically for this purpose and it is our YUKHA MUDRI, which is a product composed exclusively of plant extracts. These vegetable extracts are the main precursors of the formation of the Cannabis Flavonoids that are also responsible for the formation of the aromas and flavors in the plants. So with the applications of YUKHA MUDRI in your Cannabis plants you will improve and stimulate the formation of the Flavonoids.
Mila, R.
Translated from the original Spanish text by Yukha
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